AIS Region 7 -- Iris Rhizome Sales
Each club's rhizome sale is it's financial lifeline. It's the club's main source in income to support public gardens, pay annual AIS officer dues, pay for public spaces to conduct meetings, shows, and rhizome sales, as well as pay for club President to attend regional and/or national American Iris Society meetings. Additionally, 10% of all club rhizome sales fund the regional organization.
Some clubs conduct rhizome sales in conjunction with their annual show and/or later in the summer.
As such, the timing of these rhizome sales or auctions vary among clubs. Read
"The Irisarian" for alerts on many of these as well as your local
club's newsletter.
2025 Iris Rhizome Sales
Please send your club's rhizome sales dates, location, and hours as soon as the dates are finalized.
Below are all the 2025 rhizome sales of which we are currently aware.
- TBD ... Greeneville Society (Greeneville, TN) Greeneville Iris Festival rhizome sale from Saturday 9a until 5p and Sunday 1p to 5p at 115 Academy St; Greeneville
- TBD ... Mid-State Iris Association (Murfreesboro, TN) 7 am til 12pm or sold-out at Murfreesboro Square Saturday Market; 1 North Public Square, Murfreesboro, TN 37130
- July 12 ... Middle Tennessee Iris Society (Nashville, TN) 8 am until 3pm or sold out at Crievewood United Methodist Church; 451 Hogan Road; Nashville, TN 37220
- Jul 26 ... Bluegrass Iris Society (Lexington, KY) 10 am until 2pm or sold out at Lexington Green Mall (behind Joseph Beth); 161 Lexington Green Cir, Lexington, KY 40503
- Jul 26 ... West Tennessee Iris Society (Memphis, TN) 8 am until 3pm or sold out at Emmanuel United Methodist Church; 2404 Kirby Rd; Memphis, TN 38119
- TBD... Smoky Mountain Iris Society (Jefferson City, TN) 9 am until sold out at Tractor Supply Co; 127 W Broadway Blvd, Jefferson City, TN 37760
- Aug 2 ... Louisville Area Iris Society (Louisville, KY) 8 am until 11am at Wallitsch Garden Center; 2608 Hikes Ln; Louisville, KY 40218
- Aug 2 ... Jackson Area Iris Society (Jackson, TN) 8 am until sold out at Jackson Farmer's Market; 91 New Market St, Jackson, TN 38301
- Aug 9 ... Jackson Area Iris Society (Dyersburg, TN) 8 am until sold out at Dyersburg Fairgrounds; 296 James H Rice Rd; Dyersburg, TN 38024
- Aug 16 ... Jackson Area Iris Society (Martin, TN) 8 am until Noon or sold out at Martin Farmer's Market; 101 Main St, Martin, TN
- TBD... East Tennessee Iris Society (Knoxville, TN) 9:30 am until sold-out at Stanley's Greenhouse; 3029 Davenport Rd; Knoxville, TN 37920